Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Report Card

Happy Easter everyone! :)
I hope you all had a great day with family and friends. Because what great day it was to celebrate- that He has Risen... He has Risen, Indeed! Hallelujah, hallelujah!!

On to this month's report card...

Keeping Up With My "God Time": I actually did a decent job this month and for the past two weeks, its just become routine and a must for me to have my daily time with God before I do anything else. It also helps that I have a awesome devotional too! Jesus Calling has turned out to be awesome! I just might do a blog post on it in the future, who knows!
Grade: B+

Read 3-4 Books: Total fail. I've been so infatuated with this whole "blogging" thing that I haven't done much reading besides my daily devotional time. I actually just started reading one of Ron Rhodes books a few days ago, but that's about it. But I hope to put this on my resolutions list for next month and get back into my groove of reading again!
Grade: F

Post somewhat regularly: I'd say I did a pretty good job of this. I was totally obsessed with blogging this month since its something new for me, so I was excited to post often! I have come to really enjoy it.
Grade: A+

Help out around the house: I did okay on this one. I personally wish I could of done a better job, like maybe clean the kitchen or bathroom more. But I did do it some of the time, just some times I just had no energy to do so.
Grade: C-

Clean Room: Ugh. I do not know why but I keep putting this one off... I think it is because its truly become such a chaotic mess that I don't even want to bother attempting it or know where to start. But I'm definitely getting it done in April! That's right, you heard me!
Grade: F

Finish Gilmore Girls: My mom and I completed the series earlier this month. What a great show- it's one of my all time favorites. Was a little disappointed with the last season, but nonetheless, fantastic show.
Grade: A

Be Almost Healed!: I think I'm on the road to some healing! My diet has been going good as you may have read here. This past week has been a bit of strange week, I've been feeling a bit weird its hard to explain. But I'm realizing how much effort I'm gonna have to put in to take care of myself; there's no room for slacking. 2 more weeks to go! :)
Grade: A

Exercise 5 days a week: Yeah, this was another one in which I didn't do a good job of this. I would do good for like a week, and then take like 2-3 weeks off. It was actually nice out yesterday here in Chicago so I went for a nice long walk with my brother. I'm hoping to kickstart the want to exercise again.
Grade: D

Overall, March was a good month for me! My health has been great along with my energy. I'm starting to feel closer with God (like a renewed relationship with him). And I've been able to see my friends more and get a social life back which has been nice. I know I make these resolutions/ to-do lists to get stuff done, but I can't let them get me down. Life is good, and God is great! :)

'Til my next post!

This month's resolutions and report card were inspired by Kelli over at She Learns As She Goes. You should go over and check out her blog, its awesome!


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better! I totally understand where you're coming from - sometimes the energy just isn't there. Don't be too hard on yourself when you can't do as much as you wish! You're getting healthier! Nevertheless, congrats on a good month. I'm glad you're enjoying blogging so much, too! Thanks for linking up :)

    1. Thanks Kelli! Love your blog, hope you're feeling better! Good luck with your cleanse. Always praying for you!
