Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Resolutions!

Okay, here we go April!

Read 2+ books/ Spend less time online.
Last month, I was a little ambitious with this one. So I decided to dial it back a bit and have the goal to read at least 2 books this month. I'm hoping this will help me not spend so many hours a day online.

Continue to post regularly.
I hope to continue to post at least once or twice (or maybe more!) a week like I did in March. 

Clean room.
This WILL happen by the end of April. No excuses.

Prime, Paint, & Hang my nail polish rack.
My dad built me a nail polish rack a few days ago! So this month I hope to have it all done and hung by the end of April. That will help a LOT with the whole "clean room" goal. 

Begin Food Reintroduction Process and proceed at a good pace.
My Elemental shake diet should be ending within the next week or two and I will slowly be reintroducing foods back into my system. I'm scared I will either A) get sick all over again or B) jump into to it too fast. 

Go for more walks.
Now that its finally becoming more like spring here, I want to go for more walks as a way to build my endurance and get my exercise for the day in. 

Starting looking at classes/careers online.
There's no real push for me to jump back into school, but I do want to start looking into what I really want to do for the rest of my life and kind of plan out what colleges would work out with my community college and such. 

Save more, spend less.
Thanks to that tax refund I spent quite a lot this month (I might do a March haul!). So I want to take whats left and figure out how I want to save it/ spend it. But I definitely want to cut back on my spending this month.

Linking up with Kelli from She Learns As She Goes. She's so sweet and I just love it when I see she posted something new. You should definitely go check her out! :)

'Til my next post!


  1. I'll be praying that your food reintroduction goes well! I understand why that's scary... Best of lunch with the rest of your goals!

    P.S. I just realized I accidentally typed "lunch" instead of "luck" but I'm gonna leave it because that is too funny.

    1. Haha this made me laugh :) Thanks Kelli! Hope you're feeling well
