Saturday, March 23, 2013

Elemental Diet: 5 weeks down, 3 weeks to go!

Hi everyone!

I'm here with an update on the elemental diet I've been on.

For a bit of background info, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease about 4 and a half years ago. Within the past year, my Crohn's took a turn for the worse in May of 2012 after having surgery prior in October 2011 (we thought this surgery was suppose to solve all my problems). The doctor recommended I'd be put on Remicade and we were not happy with that option. So my parents & I decided to try an alternative treatment and we decided to take up the advice of a family friend who is a chiropractor. After about 7-8 months of trying the treatment, it didn't seem to work. So I was getting ready to go back to my doctor, when something truly God-given happened. After e-mailing Kelli Taylor from She Learns As She Goes, she told me about a website called Listen To Your Gut.

After checking out the website and some of Jini Patel Thompson's books, I decided to try the IBD Remission Diet and as of today, I've completed a 5 weeks of the diet.

So I decided, for more of my benefit and for the curiosity of anyone out there and for any of my family reading this, that I would give a synopsis of my health so far while being on this diet...
I have got to say, I have noticed a HUGE improvement of my health since I started this diet and naturally, I made a list:

  1. Biggest improvement: my energy. I've been able to do some chores, sit up and stand without having my stomach burn,  exercise- not too much (but its actually possible now!), heck I have the energy to put the effort in these blog posts and to maintain a blog!
  2. To go along with increase in energy, I've been able to actually go out for a bit and see my friends. I've started to get my social life back, which has been huge for me since I basically put my social life on the back burner for the past 9 months. Its been awesome to catch up with all my friends. I'm so thankful for them! 
  3. After losing a lot of weight, I actually gained about 12 pounds after starting this diet. 
  4. I'm sleeping better at night; less tossing and turning.
  5. The pain I was experiencing before has gone away. 

I am very blessed and very happy with the way things are going. The shakes are getting a little tedious and boring, but hey, if I get to continue to feel this way, I'm more than happy to put up with it. I pray that this has been the answer to my prayers. 

All I know is that its all in His hands. 

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