I hope you all had a great day with family and friends. Because what great day it was to celebrate- that He has Risen... He has Risen, Indeed! Hallelujah, hallelujah!!
On to this month's report card...
Keeping Up With My "God Time": I actually did a decent job this month and for the past two weeks, its just become routine and a must for me to have my daily time with God before I do anything else. It also helps that I have a awesome devotional too! Jesus Calling has turned out to be awesome! I just might do a blog post on it in the future, who knows!
Grade: B+
Read 3-4 Books: Total fail. I've been so infatuated with this whole "blogging" thing that I haven't done much reading besides my daily devotional time. I actually just started reading one of Ron Rhodes books a few days ago, but that's about it. But I hope to put this on my resolutions list for next month and get back into my groove of reading again!
Grade: F